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What Can $500K Buy You? A Ticket To Mars!

Tired of your noisy neighbors and need a change of scenery?  SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk, invites you to move to Mars.  And why not?  With tickets starting below $500k, the intergalactic move can be nearly as affordable as an upscale condo in New York City.

Elon Musk has been busy on Twitter, tweeting that while the prices for seats to Mars may depend on volume, they can still be within the grasp of many people.  In fact, Elon thinks the price for a Mars ticket may be as low as $100k, making it affordable for nearly anyone who wants to sell their Earthly home and move to the Red Planet.

$500,000 may seem like a lot of dough to move to Mars, but it’s really not too much compared to the $9.5 million you would need to cough up for a luxurious space station vacation, and it’s a far better value than the price tag of a trip on a Virgin Galactic flight, starting at $200,000.

Simply Called “Starship”

Elon Musk’s Starship, the spaceship formerly known as the Big Falcon Rocket, is 387 feet tall and made to carry 100 people per journey.   It’s designed for interplanetary travel, and it may very well make the rest of SpaceX’s fleet completely obsolete.

Starship will make its maiden voyage with only a handful of people, including a private citizen who will be the first to make the break past low-Earth orbit, Yusaku Maezawa.

On March 2, SpaceX is planning to finally launch its Crew Dragon flight.  The capsule was originally intended to meet the International Space Station on January 7, but the launch has been postponed because of safety precautions three times.

After the test flight of the Crew Dragon, SpaceX plans to launch a manned mission over the summer.  NASA is hoping that the ship can be approved to transport astronauts to the International Space Station before the year is out.

Elon Musk reassures the public; people moving to Mars will get a free ticket back to Earth if living on the Red Planet turns out to be more than they bargained for.

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